Thank You
18 Nov 2019 by Craten Phillips
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our parents and volunteers this season.
Though our final record wasn’t what we set out to do, the experience getting there was bigger than any win-loss record. I am so proud of our teams this season! They fought like VIKINGS each and every week.
A big part of the experience for these boys is all the volunteer work put in by you, the parents. Thank you to Michelle Hines, team mom, Kendra Powers Locker room decorations, and all those that helped in those endeavors… all the families that provided Wednesday night or Saturday afternoon meals (we ate like Kings). All of the goodie bags, encouraging words, signs and noise at the games. Our chain crew dads, tunnel and horn crews, Thank You. Booster club support is amazing, thank you to all that volunteered in the concessions. It was truly an AeTT experience this season. Although I am sad to see it end, I will always cherish the time spent with this group of young men. Thanks again for all your support!
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